Spiritual Perspectives 

Solar Flares and Human Potential when the SHTF

ALEX ANSARY – OTBTV.NET Alexander Chizhevsky was one of the first to hypothesize that solar storms drive humanity mad and often into battles and bloody conflicts as he examined 2500 years of solar cycles and periods of war and peace. A mounting body of scientific evidence now suggests the Sun affects more than our weather adding credence to his early 20th century discovery. For over a decade, I have been gathering data on the effects of the Sun over human consciousness and will soon be sharing new information on the…

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Cycles of War Featured 

Cycles of War or Peace are Tied to Cycles of the Sun

by Dr. Buryl Payne – National Council on Geocosmic Research A growing number of scientists, health care professionals, and concerned citizens argue that these invisible frequencies are responsible for a host of various health problems. Meanwhile, the largest polluter has gone unnoticed: the Sun. At certain times, the Sun’s activity can also aggravate mental health problems. Every 10-11 years, the number of sunspots found on our closest star rise from 0 (as it is currently in 2008) to a high of over 400. While the sunspots themselves don’t affect Earth,…

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Featured Spiritual Perspectives 

Does Solar Activity Shed Light on Masculine and Feminine Behavior?

Over the past several days (specifically May 13, 2013), according to NASA, the sun has experienced massive ejections that are the largest they’ve seen in 2013. These recent flares have been classified as X1.7 flares of the “X-class” type (Classes are A, B, C, M and X class – ascending in strength). At the ‘X-class’ rating, the potency of the blast significantly increases (an X2 flare is twice as powerful as an X1 flare and four times more powerful than an M5 flare). Coupled with these flares have been CMI’s…

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Spiritual Perspectives 

How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

Everything within this dense configuration of Reality that we call the Universe is inter-connected. Through this inter-connectedness, everything affects everything else. From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and inter-connectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer to as Reality. We are realizing, with a continuously-growing conviction, that change and transformation, whether it be in society, consciousness, or otherwise is directly affected by other elements of our universe that we sometimes fail to realize have the…

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Featured Spiritual Perspectives 

Sadhguru: Impact of Solar Flares on Human Consciousness

Learn Sadhguru’s free guided meditation http://www.ishakriya.com/ Sadhguru, renowned Yogi and Mystic, speaks about the predictions of a coming rise in consciousness. He responds that in the coming 6 years, dynamic changes will happen in the Solar Flares (sun spots). Whenever such changes happen, phenomenal changes happen in human consciousness. He adds, however that this is not a directed change. The sun spots will definitely create some kind of volatile energy. Any volatile situation is also a possibility to craft things the way we want it. Depending on how we make…

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Featured Spiritual Perspectives 

How Recent Solar Flares Are Affecting Us

Solar Flares Are on the Rise Our sun is presently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. What this means is that the surface of the sun is erupting with sun-storms and solar flares. Eruptions on the sun’s surface can blast tons of plasma into space — sometimes right towards the Earth. Over the last month the sun has been extremely active. There have been five major solar flares recorded since Feb 14, culminating in a massive flare that occurred on Wednesday, March 10th.…

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Human Response 

Russian Study on Geomagnetic Storms and Suicides

NEW SCIENTIST Many animals can sense the Earth’s magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth’s geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period.…

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