Space Weather 

Four asteroids on COLLISION course with Earth

RT   It’s a scenario straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster, an asteroid is careening towards Earth and is set to wipe out human existence. To mark Asteroid Day, here are four space rocks on a collision course with our planet. The United Nations fears that the possibility of an asteroid smashing into a densely populated area isn’t being taken seriously enough, so it designated June 30 as International Asteroid Day to raise awareness about the potentially catastrophic occurrence. The date was chosen because the largest asteroid impact in recorded…

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Space Weather 

Scientists find hard evidence that cosmic rays influence climate

AMERICAN THINKER The absurdity of the claim that global warming is “settled science” is obvious to anyone who understands what actual science is. And now, thanks to a group of scientists at Kobe University in Japan, we have an example of why climate science is so primitive as to be a faulty basis for policy.  They have hard evidence of the effect cosmic rays have on Earth’s climate. When galactic cosmic rays increased during the Earth’s last geomagnetic reversal transition 780,000 years ago, the umbrella effect of low-cloud cover led to high…

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Space Weather 

What are the Health Effects of Cosmic Rays on the Human Body?

Cosmic rays are energetic particles (not actually rays) traveling rapidly through space. WISEGEEK.COM They are everywhere, and several dozen slam into your body every second. These cosmic rays are too low-energy to cause any serious health effects, aside from a few genetic mutations, and cosmic rays are in fact one of the drivers of evolution. Your body receives about 2.4 mSv (milliSieverts) of radiation caused by the effects of cosmic rays every year. For comparison, it takes about 1 Sievert of radiation in a short time to cause nausea, and about…

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Space Weather 

A Nearly Mile-Wide Asteroid With Its Own Moon Hurtles Past Earth This Weekend

Binary asteroid system 1999 KW4 poses no threat of collision with our planet, scientists say. HUFFPOST.COM An asteroid that’s nearly a mile wide and has its own moon is set to zip by Earth during the weekend. Together, the two space rocks are known as a binary asteroid system, meaning two asteroids that orbit each other. The binary asteroid, called 1999 KW4 by NASA, will be around 3 million miles away from Earth at its closest point around 7:05 p.m. ET on Saturday, NBC News reports. Although some outlets have…

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Space Weather 

NASA’s First Planetary Defense Technology Demonstration to Collide with Asteroid in 2022

SOLARSYSTEM.NASA.GOV The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) – NASA’s first mission to demonstrate a planetary defense technique – will get one chance to hit its target, the small moonlet in the binary asteroid system Didymos. The asteroid poses no threat to Earth and is an ideal test target: measuring the change in how the smaller asteroid orbits about the larger asteroid in a binary system is much easier than observing the change in a single asteroid’s orbit around the Sun. Work is ramping up at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics…

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Solar Activity Space Weather 

Will Geomagnetic Reversal Effects Cause a Worldwide Blackout?

Geomagnetic reversal effects are natural and spectacular, but they could also destroy the world as we know it. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY NORTHROP GRUMAN While that may sound dramatic, renowned science journalist Alanna Mitchell’s book “The Spinning Magnet“ revealed that the next time Earth’s magnetic field flips, it could seriously damage the electric infrastructure that defines our modern civilization. What is an Electromagnetic Field? While magnetism is fascinating, it has also been historically misunderstood. According to, Earth’s magnetic field exists because the planet’s solid iron core is surrounded by liquid metal. According…

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FrontPage Space Weather 

Cold War data reveals impact of nuclear tests on space weather

The Cold War may have been over for a quarter of a century, but its effects that reached far beyond just geopolitics are still being uncovered. NEWATLAS.COM One case in point is a NASA study that used recently declassified US government data to show how high-altitude nuclear tests altered the weather – not on Earth, but in space. According to the space agency, the explosions changed the planet’s magnetic field and even produced artificial aurorae near the equator. Mention the 1950s and it brings up images of huge American cars with fins,…

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Featured Space Weather 

New Year’s Geomagnetic Storm

NEW YEAR’S GEOMAGNETIC STORM: 2016 began with an explosion–not only of fireworks, but also auroras. On Jan. 1st, a G2-class geomagnetic storm sparked bright lights around the poles as revelers around the world were ringing in the New Year. In Glenfarg, Scotland, fireworks crackled against a backdrop of green: “Our neighbours let off some fireworks for the New Year,” says photographer Stuart Walker. “They were modest compared to the organized display in Edinburgh, but looked great alongside the ongoing aurora.” The storm was the result of a CME strike on…

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Human Response Space Weather 

Russian mathematician recognized for space weather research

Tatiana Podladchikova, an applied mathematician from Russia, has been honored with the Chizhevsky Medal for her space weather research. RBTH.COM She developed a number of services to forecast solar activity and prevent space accidents. Russian mathematician Tatiana Podladchikova was presented with the International Alexander Chizhevsky Medal for Space Weather and Space Climate. “We seek to understand the essence of the phenomena that we observe in space because they are intricately connected with our plans on Earth,” said Dr. Podladchikova. Space weather research is primarily aimed at studying phenomena that can impact space and terrestrial…

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