Earth's Magnetic Field Human Response 

Scientists Discover That Humans Can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field

Researchers have discovered that humans can detect changes in Earth-strength magnetic fields. INTERESTING ENGINEERING Scientists from Caltech and The University of Tokyo have determined that many humans are able to unconsciously detect Earth’s magnetic field. The new study shows that human brain waves respond to changes in Earth-strength magnetic fields. The research team led by geoscientist Joseph Kirschvink (BS, MS ’75) and neuroscientist Shin Shimojo at Caltech as well as neuroengineer Ayu Matani at the University of Tokyo suggest evidence that there is a new human sense they are calling magnetoreception. Animals…

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FrontPage Human Response Paranormal 

The CIA studied the impact of space storms on psychic powers

First part of Agency’s 800+ page risk report contents that decrease in geomagnetic activity causes an increase in death-related telepathy. MUCKROCK.COM In late 2016 then-President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on geomagnetic storm preparedness. His plan, co-chaired by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, focused exclusively on guiding the country through damages to our power grid, which could cause an estimated $12 trillion in damages. Apparently the Central Intelligence Agency took the issue with lack of concern over solar…

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Featured Human Response Spiritual Perspectives 

Does the Sun and Solar Flares Affect Human Behavior?

“Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense”. – Carl Sagan Does the sun and solar flares have an effect on earth and its people? Solar flares will begin to have a noticeable impact on all of us to some degree. You will literally feel the intensity emanating from the Sun as it pulsates through every cell of your body. Solar flare activity is getting more and more intense, and unless we wake up and realize they are…

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Human Response Space Weather 

Russian mathematician recognized for space weather research

Tatiana Podladchikova, an applied mathematician from Russia, has been honored with the Chizhevsky Medal for her space weather research. RBTH.COM She developed a number of services to forecast solar activity and prevent space accidents. Russian mathematician Tatiana Podladchikova was presented with the International Alexander Chizhevsky Medal for Space Weather and Space Climate. “We seek to understand the essence of the phenomena that we observe in space because they are intricately connected with our plans on Earth,” said Dr. Podladchikova. Space weather research is primarily aimed at studying phenomena that can impact space and terrestrial…

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Featured Human Response 

Geomagnetic Storms and Mental Disturbances

Last week on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 the Sun blasted us with a direct hit from a powerful solar flare that wiped out a huge amount of radio communication, according to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. Mike Wall of writes: “The Wednesday flare registered as an X2.2 sun storm on the scale used to measure solar tempests. Scientists classify strong solar flares into three categories: C, M and X, with C being the weakest, M being mid-level and X the strongest. X flares are 10 times more powerful than M…

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Featured Human Response 

Geomagnetic Storms may Influence Risk of Stroke

More strokes happen when geomagnetic storms are afoot, according to a new review of stroke literature – although it’s not clear what protective measures anyone could take, researchers said. Geomagnetic storms happen when the Earth’s magnetic field is disturbed by solar winds or coronal mass ejections, which throw out powerful magnetic fields from the sun. Among more than 11,000 people who had a stroke, the event was almost 20 percent more likely to happen on days with geomagnetic storms, researchers in New Zealand found. “The results were a big surprise…

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Featured Human Response 

Changes in Earth’s Magnetic Field Affect Our Behavior And Health

Climaxing last week, the sun will have unleashed three X-class solar flares. These are the strongest flares of the year so far, and they signal a significant increase in solar activity with more to come. Historically, research has been conducted to link the 11 year cycle of the sun to changes in human behavior and society. Research done in the last hundred years that shows the most malefic effects from solar activity come at the sunspot minima. Solar flares are intense blooms of radiation that come from the release of the…

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Featured Human Response 

Washington Times: The Sun Touches our Psyche

Maybe it is time to wear tin foil on our heads. With high electromagnetic activity from the sun coming this way, our human electromagnetic fields may start glowing. Even if we do not begin incandescing, scientists have noticed correlations between solar flares and moods. Solar Effects From 1948 to 1997, the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia found that geomagnetic activity showed three seasonal peaks each of those years (March to May, in July, and in October). Every peak matched an increased incidence of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder,…

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Cycles of War Featured Human Response 

Did Solar Flares Trigger the London Riots?

When it comes to factors that triggered the London riots, theories abound: Police brutality, unemployment, and “moral collapse” have all been blamed for the violence, burning, and looting that consumed London last week. But some scientists are finger-pointing skyward, suggesting that the sun could have driven the unrest, as well as last week’s wild stock market fluctuations. A series of powerful solar flares – sometimes known as geomagnetic storms – hit the earth last week, and there’s some evidence that the solar storms can have a profound effect on human…

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