Featured Projections 

Solar Cycle 25 and the Possible Geopolitical Impact

Alex Ansary – Solar Max News Im a independent thinker taking a look at the changes in the Sun utilizing both scientific studies but other clues as well such as my own personal experiences and sensitivity itself to the changes in our reality. (SEE VIDEO AT BOTTOM OF PAGE). Im not a expert yet Im also clarifying the uniqueness of the position im talking on how the global powers that be use the solar cycle against us – this is my own working thesis still in evolution but a seed sprouted…

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Projections Solar Activity 

Our Sun’s Mysterious 11-Year Cycle Appears to Be Driven by Alignment of The Planets

Every 11 years, the Sun cycles through from riotous flare and sunspot activity to a quieter period, before ramping up again. SCIENCE ALERT It’s almost as regular as clockwork, and for years astronomers have been wondering what causes it. Now, they’ve proposed a new solution. Even though the Solar System’s planets are much smaller than the Sun, the gravity of some of them is able to influence our star’s magnetic field. This, the researchers assert, is what controls the solar cycle. Venus, Earth, and Jupiter assert a small gravitational tug…

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FrontPage Projections 

Scientists tackle a burning question: When will our quiet sun turn violent?

For all of February the sun is nearly spotless, a smooth circle filled in with a goldenrod crayon. SCIENCEMAG.ORG It has been more than a decade since it was so lacking in sunspots—dark magnetic knots as big as Earth that are a barometer of the sun’s temperament. Below the surface, however, a radical transition is afoot. In 5 years or so, the sun will be awash in sunspots and more prone to violent bursts of magnetic activity. Then, about 11 years from now, the solar cycle will conclude: Sunspots will…

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‘Monster’ explosions on the sun will ‘become more common’, Nasa warns

The sun will be rocked by an increased number of gigantic ‘monster’ explosions in the coming years, Nasa has warned. METRO Eruptions from the face of our star are called ‘prominences’ and cause vast amounts of superhot gas to shoot into space, often forming beautiful loops on the solar surface. The sun is about to reach a low point of activity called the solar minimum when the number of flares and sunspots and flares is dramatically reduced. Climate change deniers are known to hail this stage of the sun’s natural…

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Deep solar minimum is here and it could cause travel CHAOS and FREEZING

EXPRESS.CO.UK THE solar minimum has arrived and scientists are warning of travel and climate CHAOS on Earth as they notice an all time high in cosmic rays. A lack of solar particles from the Sun is a sign the solar minimum is here, and it is allowing more cosmic particles – particles from deep space – to penetrate Earth. During a solar maximum, the Sun gives off more heat and is littered with sunspots. Less heat in a solar minimum is due to a decrease in magnetic waves. Fewer magnetic…

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Huge Chinese cosmic-ray observatory begins operation

PHYSICS WORLD One of the world’s largest and most sensitive cosmic-ray facilities has begun operation with its first set of detectors. Located about 4410 m above sea level in the Haizi Mountain in Sichuan Province in southwest China, the 1.2 billion yuan ($180m) Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) will attempt to understand the origins of high-energy cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are particles that originate in outer space and are accelerated to energies higher than those that can be achieved in even the largest man-made particle accelerators. Composed mainly of high-energy protons and…

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FrontPage Projections 

Scientists predict a new solar cycle is about to begin and that it might be stronger than the last one

WASHINGTON POST The latest 11-year cycle of the sun is almost over and scientists have just released predictions for the next one. Based on the number of sunspots that formed, scientists considered the last solar cycle, No. 24, “weak.” They predict that the upcoming cycle, No. 25, may follow suit, but there are a range of views. Some scientists say the latest data point to a stronger cycle. The solar cycle forecast was made public at the annual Space Weather Workshop last week, hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space…

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Cycles of War FrontPage Projections 

X Marks the Spot: Two Total Solar Eclipses in Seven Years

It’s been said that, on average, a total solar eclipse can be seen from the same place only once every 375 years. NATIONAL ECLIPSE The methodology used by whoever calculated this number is unknown and it’s debatable whether there can even be a definitive methodology for such a calculation. For instance, how many points on Earth do you use to arrive at an average number of years? But regardless of the math, there’s no denying the fact that a total solar eclipse is a relatively rare event for any given…

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Featured Natural Events Projections 

Sun To Go Into ‘Hibernation’ about 2030

The sun will go into “hibernation” mode around 2030, and it has already started to get sleepy. At the Royal Astronomical Society’s annual meeting in July, Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University in the UK confirmed it – the sun will begin its Maunder Minimum (Grand Solar Minimum) in 15 years. Other scientists had suggested years ago that this change was imminent, but Zharkova’s model is said to have near-perfect accuracy. So what is a “solar minimum”? Our sun doesn’t maintain a constant intensity. Instead, it cycles in spans of…

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