
Comparing UFO Reporting Numbers with Sunspot Counts 1940-2017

I feel that the Sun plays a role in boosting paranormal occurrences on earth and am going to share both charts and let you decide. ALEX ANSARY | SOLARMAXNEWS.COM From During the second World War, most UFO sightings were dismissed as wartime rockets. After the crash and cover up in Roswell, New Mexico, people realized that they couldn’t just trust the government’s explanations anymore. Combine that with the paranoia of the Cold War, and everyone was seeing UFOs everywhere. So, were aliens busier on earth in the 40s and…

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Interactive map tracks every US alien sighting since 1940

Webmasters note: I am adding this because I suspect increase sunspots are linked to these periods of increased sightings. NEWS.COM.AU THE search for extra terrestrial life has occupied human beings for hundreds of years. Many people have dedicated their entire careers to the hunt for other intelligent life forms outside of Earth, while others spend their days watching the skies for unidentified flying objects. One US-based betting company has taken UFO enthusiasm to the next level by producing an interactive map that reveals every alien sighting across the country in the past…

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FrontPage Paranormal 

A Dark and Stormy Night: Does Weather Affect the Paranormal?

MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE It was a dark and stormy night…. There is perhaps no introduction to a horror story as clichéd as this line, and with horror films there is also quite often bad weather involved as well, with thunder and lightning, darkness and rain. While this may be just for dramatic effect, there are enough instances of ghosts appearing during storms that one may begin to wonder if there is anything to it at all, whether there perhaps really is a connection between the ghostly phenomena and weather. In fact,…

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FrontPage Paranormal 

Will Paranormal Activity Increase With Solar Activity?

On May 14, 2013, NASA reported a massive X-Class solar flare, as increased solar activity continues to worry NASA mission leaders and telecomm officials around the world. PARANORMALPEOPLEONLINE.COM This recent flare, which wasn’t related to a coronal mass ejection or CME, as they often are, occurred at approximately 9:30 p.m. EDT on the 14th, and was classified as X1.2 flare, and is the 18th X-class flare of the current solar cycle.[1] So what does that mean?  Well, basically it means that the sun burped and sent a mass of solar radiation…

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FrontPage Human Response Paranormal 

The CIA studied the impact of space storms on psychic powers

First part of Agency’s 800+ page risk report contents that decrease in geomagnetic activity causes an increase in death-related telepathy. MUCKROCK.COM In late 2016 then-President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on geomagnetic storm preparedness. His plan, co-chaired by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, focused exclusively on guiding the country through damages to our power grid, which could cause an estimated $12 trillion in damages. Apparently the Central Intelligence Agency took the issue with lack of concern over solar…

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FrontPage Paranormal 


It is theorized that paranormal entities (ghosts, spirits etc) are at least in part based on or composed of energy. LONG ISLAND PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS Originally written sometime in 2006. This theory is strongly supported as many encounters with the paranormal coincide with measurements of relatively high or unusual energy levels (electrical, magnetic, thermal etc) at the same time and location. It is theorized that entities somehow tap into available ambient sources of energy, drawing on them to help constitute and manifest themselves. We typically think of energy in the form of electricity.…

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Geomagnetism and the Paranormal

In our everyday lives we are as much immersed in magnetic fields as we are in air. Unlike the air, however, we don’t notice the magnetism, even during magnetic storms. Maurice Townsend / 2006 This image shows magnetic field lines. They are a bit like contours on a map. Just like contours, the distance between the field lines indicates the strength of the field in that area (the magnetic flux density). Just as closely spaced contours imply a steep slope, so close field lines show a high magnetic field strength.…

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FrontPage Paranormal 

Sunspots and the 1947 Roswell Crash

THE WANDERING – PUBLISHING DATE UNKNOWN Just prior to midnight on July 4, 1947 in a scarcely populated area southeast of Corona, New Mexico, a mysterious object apparently disintegrated in the sky, scattering pieces of debris over a wide area of scrub brush and desert ranchland. About thirty-five miles away in the Capitan Mountains and about fifty miles west of Roswell, New Mexico, a second and much heavier object, thought to be connected with the debris found on the ranchland, crashed into the rocks and boulders along the lower north…

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