Featured Human Response Spiritual Perspectives 

Does the Sun and Solar Flares Affect Human Behavior?

“Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense”. – Carl Sagan Does the sun and solar flares have an effect on earth and its people? Solar flares will begin to have a noticeable impact on all of us to some degree. You will literally feel the intensity emanating from the Sun as it pulsates through every cell of your body. Solar flare activity is getting more and more intense, and unless we wake up and realize they are…

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Featured Solar Activity 

Sun Could Unleash Devastating ‘Superflare’

The sun is capable of firing off an incredibly powerful superflare that could wreak havoc on Earth’s technology-dependent society, a new study suggests. The same basic processes drive the “normal” flares of high-energy radiation emitted by the sun and superflares blasted out by faraway stars, which can be thousands of times more powerful, researchers found. This result “supports the hypothesis that the sun is able to produce a potentially devastating superflare,” study co-author Anne-Marie Broomhall, from the University of Warwick in England, said in a statement. The research team analyzed…

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Featured Solar Activity 

How Solar Flares Make Matter Move at (Nearly) the Speed of Light

Solar flares aren’t just fearsome displays of power capable of sending Earth’s technology back 200 years. They are also peculiar stellar phenomena that generate so much energy, they make particles move at nearly the speed of light. To that end, they may be models of future space travel. But how exactly they work that kind of magic stumps the scientific community. A new study published Thursday in the journal Science might have some answers. Using data gathered by the National Science Foundations’ Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array radio telescope,…

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Featured Human Response 

Geomagnetic Storms and Mental Disturbances

Last week on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 the Sun blasted us with a direct hit from a powerful solar flare that wiped out a huge amount of radio communication, according to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. Mike Wall of Space.com writes: “The Wednesday flare registered as an X2.2 sun storm on the scale used to measure solar tempests. Scientists classify strong solar flares into three categories: C, M and X, with C being the weakest, M being mid-level and X the strongest. X flares are 10 times more powerful than M…

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Featured Solar Activity 

NASA: Sun has Flipped Upside Down

The sun has fully “flipped upside down”, with its north and south poles reversed to reach the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24, Nasa has said. Now, the magnetic fields have once again started moving in opposite directions to begin the completion of the 22 year long process which will culminate in the poles switching once again. “A reversal of the sun’s magnetic field is, literally, a big event,” said Nasa’s Dr. Tony Phillips. “The domain of the sun’s magnetic influence (also known as the ‘heliosphere’) extends billions of kilometers beyond…

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Cycles of War Featured 

Blame It On the Sun: Solar Flares, Humans & Violence

For centuries, people have embraced the idea/truth that the MOON, indeed, has many effects on the behavior of Humankind. However, it has come to light (non pun intended) that the Sun has an equal or more powerful effect on Humankind behavior. SOURCE   Blame It On the Sun: Solar Flares, Humans & Violence http://t.co/8zP3BduFq4 pic.twitter.com/MLW4gIJsck — LDC Management (@LDCManagement) June 2, 2015

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Featured Spiritual Perspectives 

Does Solar Activity Shed Light on Masculine and Feminine Behavior?

Over the past several days (specifically May 13, 2013), according to NASA, the sun has experienced massive ejections that are the largest they’ve seen in 2013. These recent flares have been classified as X1.7 flares of the “X-class” type (Classes are A, B, C, M and X class – ascending in strength). At the ‘X-class’ rating, the potency of the blast significantly increases (an X2 flare is twice as powerful as an X1 flare and four times more powerful than an M5 flare). Coupled with these flares have been CMI’s…

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